Johnson City Veterinary Clinic in Texas


213 Hwy 281 South – Unit C
Johnson City, TX 78636

(830) 225-1095

Do I need an Appointment?

Urgent Care visits do not require an appointment, and we can see your pet the same day. For established clients, we offer after-hours care. If we are not available after hours, we strongly recommend visiting our after-hours care page for instructions.

Marked Fields are Required [*]

"*" indicates required fields

New Client or Existing Client?*
Contact Preference?*
Requested Date of Appointment*
This is not a scheduled appointment yet. You will receive a call from one of our team members.
Second Requested Date of Appointment*
If for some reason the requested date is not available, please request a second day that may work for you.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.